Excel Developers conference 2011

Who would like to attend or speak at another Excel Developers conference this spring/summer?

I am thinking of arranging an event around the end of May, and I am trying to gauge interest. Probably in London, probably similar price to last time (100-200 gbp), probably 1 day, definitely some time for socialising, probably on a Friday.

Similar kind of schedule, between 5 and 8 speakers 0.5 – 1 hour each, covering whatever you ask for, but probably Excel & .net, Excel & relational data, Excel & OLAP data, Excel & Web (soz can’t bear to call it the ‘cloud’), power VBA techniques, UDFs, Ribbon, commands etc etc.

Also would you be interested in hearing some (relevant) vendor presentations (We would make sure they informative not sales dross)?

Our friends at Microsoft have generously donated a pile of Office 2010 goodies to give away as prizes:

So if you would be interested in attending or speaking, please either comment below or fire me an email (see contact info page for… contact info!)

Please feel free to leave a comment on the kind of thing you would like to hear about, and what kind of level. I think there may well be a beginner/intermediate level event at some point in the year, so I would like to target this one a little higher.

Date wise do you think the end of May is a good time or would you rather it matched up with Eusprig in July again? (I would like to get to 2 sessions per year, hence the rush for May)



8 Responses to “Excel Developers conference 2011”

  1. Mike Staunton Says:

    Happy to come with more biscuits – and even speak as well

  2. Andy Wall Says:

    Count me in. End of May sounds good. Interested in .Net and Excel Services but also Excel BI and dashboards. It’d be good to get a view of the Excel roadmap from MS as well

  3. Hicked Says:

    Sounds great, particularly pitched at a higher level.

  4. Harlan Grove Says:

    The Excel road map? Consider the final scene from ‘Thelma and Louise’.

  5. Andy Wall Says:

    Harlan – undoubtably true, but it probably depends on your point of view

    Simon – Just as a bit of a sidenote, how do you define intermediate and advanced excel users

  6. David Says:

    Hi, definitely interested in coming again. The end of May works for me.

  7. JG Says:

    Simon, would definitely be interested.

    Something I would be really interested in is a topic on a step up from working independently in arenas where I’m the only VBA dev helping accounting and reporting depts with mear automation to areas where VBA is pushed to it’s limits in Pricing, Risk and quant. I know there’s a lot of people in my circumstances that are good self taught VBA devs, but can never make the leap due to not having been exposed to the bigger picture and not having exposure to other languages etc and working with 3rd party data from BB or TR products. It would be really interesting to hear from anyone that had made that leap and suggested learning and development paths.

    • JG Says:

      Just to emphasise as well, am fully aware that working in a area like quant would require 1st class Math, 1st class business knowledge and 1st class knowledge of a who array of dev languages. I’m not underestimating the effort required in the leap.

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