Rate cut rumours

Just as we thought we might be surfacing from our double dip depression, news hits that we are entering a triple (great for vodka or pastis (or both ;-))), not so great for the economy.

That might explain the rumour of that one large financial crimes institute (whose name rhymes with car keys) has just lopped 10% off contractor rates. I assume the management has identified a significant benefit to pissing off all the productive workers.

It seems I was mistaken in seeing the green shoots of recovery on Jobserve. In fairness there has been a few sub 200 per day jobs that required the earth, or perhaps its the same one with all the agencies taking it in turns to try and fill.

Its coming up the contract expiry time for me so I’m watching this sort of stuff closely, and also a little preoccupied, in case you are wondering why the conf etc has not progressed. I need to see where I am likely to be in March before finalising details.

Pub details for Tue to follow



2 Responses to “Rate cut rumours”

  1. Marcus from London Says:

    Latest SJD contractor survey:

    While a reasonable starting point it doesn’t answer granular enough questions for me. For example, what’s the correlation b/w rate and industry sector (e.g. IT vs. healthcare) and even age bracket.

    Has there been any confirmation of the rumours?

  2. Simon Says:

    Barcap is done RBS due any minute

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