Office 2010 tech preview out

I was looking forward to it, until I read this lukekwarm review from el Reg. (not that they are ever mega positive about MS in general) (I thought it was all still under NDA??)

I assume we can look forward to all those dormant Ms Office based blogs bursting back into life?

I am in-particular looking forward the Jensen Harris getting going again justifying Ribbon 1.1, or ribbon 2.0?? (If he is still there of course)

(‘People told us they couldn’t see it, so we made it even bigger…’)

The big news is 64 bit, that means your spreadsheets and Access databases can now go beyond 2Gb. Yahoo!!

Actually that is great for Access as I have hit that barrier lots. 2Gb spreadsheets on the other hand fill me with trepidation!



6 Responses to “Office 2010 tech preview out”

  1. Jon Peltier Says:

    Simon –

    If the first ribbon was version 0.9, then this one is 0.91, or at best, 0.95.

  2. Stephane Rodriguez Says:

    Very little to mention in Excel 2010 :
    – sparklines : the microISVs in this niche will be happy to learn that Microsoft are willing to cut their legs. Now sparklines will become hardcoded with Microsofties choosing on the fate of sparklines.
    – slicer : the return of floating dialogs !
    – Excel Web Access : for the most part this is just the existing Excel services with a ribbon. i.e. view only (little on the interaction front), with full editing power remaining on the desktop.

    With more classic BI features built in Excel, one wonders why Excel does not interoperate with a product of them that is in fact competing on the same front, SQL Reporting services. Why does not Excel load RDS files ?


  3. Harlan Grove Says:

    I look forward to inserting video clips showing users how to create conditional formatting abominations.

  4. Adam Vero Says:

    Quote: “One crumb of comfort for Ribbon-haters: a “customise the Ribbon” option has appeared, letting you add and remove tabs, groups, and individual commands.”
    Yes, remove! Commands you don’t want, begone! Add your own tab, fill it with groups of goodies and what do you have? A very fat toolbar. Oh well, so close.
    Notice that little button to export / import your customisations too? Sounds like a great plan (for backup or using across your multiple netbooks).

    What the hell is that backstage thingummy? Makes our discussion about the office menu / dialogue look like worrying about getting your shoes wet when the tsunami arrives.

    This sounds interesting though: “Word has a new Navigation Pane, an enhanced version of the existing Document Map, which supports search and preview as well as once-click navigation to specific headings.” could be great for long-document munchers like legal secretaries or technical document authors.

    So how on earth does one get selected for the preview / beta? Having signed up, begged and pleaded via the launch site, nada. Maybe I did not give the correct secret handshake (or wear a Ribbon in my lapel buttonhole).
    Anyone been notified yet that they are in a select crew of beta testers?
    To join this crack command unit do I have to get sent to military prison for crimes I did not commit, and escape from a maximum security stockade to the LA underground? or what?

  5. Dennis Wallentin Says:

    MSFT needs the blogosphere and vice versa. It would be better if those blogowners who also are members of the beta test groups put their efforts to critical evaluate the new versions rather then just being (unpaid) marketing channels.

    So far I have noticed that more then ten blogs have the same message including this one…

    Personally I’m looking forward to work with Excel 2010 x64 but that is another story.

    Kind regards,

  6. Simon Says:

    Adam – perhaps they are doing it alphabetically 1 letter per day for July – In which case you have a long wait.

    Dennis – more than 10 blogs worried about 2Gb+ spreadsheets – wow! ;-)


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