Office 2000 now out of support

Oops I missed this a couple of weeks ago.

As of July 15 2009 Office 2000 is out of extended support. That means basically its in ‘self help support’. MS speak for you are on your own buster.

There was a brief flurry of Office migration activity in the first half of this year as a few firms moved from 2k. The smart ones made the cheap move to 2003 to extend support for 3 more years. The brave went to 2007.

I’m revving up for an uptick in migration activity in 18 months when all those Office XP die hards will likely be making a move to maintain support. The real spike will be the year after though when all those Excel classic shops move – perhaps to Office 2010 (perhaps to OpenOffice?).

Are you still using 97 or 2000, or do you know anyone who is?



12 Responses to “Office 2000 now out of support”

  1. Jayson Says:

    I’ve found a few users have not moved from 2000 yet, but not many. They are generally non-profit orgs that are trying to squeeze everything they can out of their purchase. I can hardly blame them.

  2. Nick Hebb Says:

    I’m running an ongoing survey, and I’m still seeing 5% of the users are on Excel 2000.

  3. Bob Phillips Says:

    I have a big customer still on 2K.They have a plan to migrate, but to 2003 not 2007 or 2010. Makes sense to me.

  4. Marcus from London Says:

    Haven’t touched 97 since I can’t remember when. Still have my copy of 2000 installed on the old laptop for the kids.

    I mainly encounter 2003. In the wild, 2007 has been a rare sight. The most recent was at an IB where IT implemented 2007 as a GUI for MSAS. The users abandoned ship and kept using 2003 cursing the ribbon all the way.

  5. Dennis Wallentin Says:

    I dropped 2k last year. For many years I considered it to be the most stable version together with Windows 2k so it was a milestone when I moved on.

    Kind regards,

  6. geoffness Says:

    We are on the cusp of rolling out 2007, but at this point most of the business is still using 97. Not overly enamoured with 2007 really but I will be sooo glad to see the back of 97.

  7. Ross Says:

    We are still on 2000, with a spattering of 2003, 2003 and 2007. We have no roll out plan!

  8. Jon Peltier Says:

    In my last “real” job, I was using Excel 97, though a few of the privileged managers had upgraded to 2000. I was there until 2004, when two later versions of Office had been released.

  9. Dick Says:

    I know a 100 person company still using 97. He keeps asking me if he should upgrade, but I can’t think of a really compelling reason to buy 40 licenses. It’s a lot of dough.

    Do people who are still using 2000 really care about support?

  10. Greg Says:

    My department (a few hundred people) are moving to Office 2007 from 2003 in a few months. I think people are going to freak about the ribbon, but there’s a lot of analytical types who would kill to have a million rows in Excel for analyzing their data. When I first started at my company we moved to Excel 97 from Lotus 123. It took years to convert over the complex spreadsheets. I don’t see us ever moving to OpenOffice. As bad as the Lotus 123 to Excel conversion was, it would take too many years and too many budget dollars (that we no longer have) to move to anything other than MS Office.

  11. Simon Says:

    Dick 100 people, 40 licences?? aye aye! ;-)
    I guess most staff do a non computing job, in which case it can be tough to justify the change.
    I think you are right, a lot of people don’t care about support, I guess the main thing is security patches. But then not many people care about security either!

    Greg I know one or two people who have done OOo migration projects. Its a fair bit of upfront pain, but that has to be balanced with the long lasting freedom after. I saw some lotus remnants at a recent client, and they moved to Excel over 10 years ago. Some of this stuff has a long lifetime – much longer than Microsofts products.

  12. nixnut Says:

    Still using O2K daily at work. Doesn’t look like it will be replaced for some time yet.

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